
Woodpecker Identification
There are over 2000 species of woodpeckers, ranging from woodpeckers 7 to 15 inches in length, and usually with brightly contrasting coloration. Most male woodpeckers have some red on the head and many species have black and white marks. Woodpeckers have short legs with two sharp-clawed, backward-pointed toes and stiff tail feathers, which serve as a supportive prop. Woodpeckers primarily feed on tree-living or wood-boring insects using their strong beak and long tongue to dislodge food. Some members of the Woodpecker family (Flickers) feed on insects off the ground, while others prefer native berries, fruit and nuts.
Damage Caused by Woodpecker Problems
Pecking or “drumming” against trees or buildings is the characteristic most associated with Woodpeckers. They do this to establish territories and to attract or signal mates. This can be quite annoying for humans, especially in the early morning when trying to sleep. Woodpeckers can also cause significant damage to the sides of buildings, telephone poles, eaves, fences, etc., by pecking holes into the surface. The holes are usually caused by 1 or 2 woodpeckers during the spring time mating season.
Woodpecker Control Deterrent and Repellants
All Woodpeckers are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act and woodpecker control methods must not harm the birds.
The most effective Woodpecker control deterrent is 3/4” StealthNet bird netting on homes and businesses. Bird net is extremely durable and can be installed in a semi-permanent configuration until woodpecker nesting behavior has been permanently modified.
Audio & Visual Bird Deterrents
Home owners typically do not want Bird net installed on their home so they will employee a combination of products like Holographic owl, Scareye balloons, Holographic repel strips, scare spiders etc. When combined with woodpecker paint additive, woodpecker spray, woodpecker audio systems these products can by highly effective.
Woodpecker Taste Deterrents and Repellants
Woodpecker Deterrent and repellant Spray puts a harmless bad taste in the woodpeckers mouth and teaches pesky woodpeckers to go somewhere else. Woodpeckers like to peck on homes and wood siding causing damage to houses and businesses. Use woodpecker repellant on and around problem areas.
The woodpecker paint and stain additive is an environmentally safe, non-toxic, taste repellent that is a natural and humane woodpecker deterrent. It works to protect against drilling by woodpeckers and other birds that peck on protected areas.
Woodpecker Audio Bird Deterrents
Woodpecker Distress CD
Various woodpecker species distress + red-tail, goshawk sounds occur intermittently throughout the 35 minute CD. LOUD sounds typically distort avian auditory reception. Experiment at low volume and adjust as necessary. Additional speakers / decals at non attack house sides / corners will discourage potential roosting.
Use Bird-Gard Pro #1 to repel pigeons, starlings, sparrows, seagulls, and woodpeckers. A programmable electronic repeller that uses a variety of species specific distress signals and predator calls to send a "danger" alert to other birds in the area.