Bird Spike Kits - stainless steel & polycarbonate

Bird Flite Bird Spikes are an excellent low profile bird deterrent for use on ledges, parapets, signs, beams, chimneys, cutouts, security cameras, lights, etc. Bird-Flite bird spikes are a humane bird spike with blunt tips that prevents injuries to both birds and unsuspecting maintenance workers.
Our bird flite spike bird control product consists of thin, stainless steel rods and a clear U.V. resistant polycarbonate base for long-lasting durability while protecting against target pest birds. The diameter and spacing of the spikes make this bird spike the least conspicuous bird spike on the market and avoids entrapping debris as well.
Target Birds Deterred: Pigeons, crows, gulls and other larger birds
Install Bird Flite Spike Bird Control Kits: All kits contain bird spike bird control product along with enough special bond to adhere enclosed bird spikes to nearly any properly cleaned and prepped surface.