Sage Grouse

Sage Grouse - Endanged Species
Sage Grouse, Grouse family and Lesser Prairie Chicken are not a "pest bird" but a endangered species that we felt was important to mention and help protect. Greater sage-grouse were once found across 13 western U.S. states and 3 Canadian provinces. Unfortunately, because of oil and gas development, conversion of land for agricultural use, climate change and human development, sage-grouse only inhibit half their historic range.
Sage Grouse Information
Sage-grouse are the charismatic ambassador for the Sagebrush Sea, a little known but critically important western landscape that supports hundreds of fish and wildlife species. A classic umbrella species, sage-grouse need large expanses of healthy sagebrush grasslands and functioning hydrologic systems to survive and flourish. Conserving sage-grouse will benefit a host of other species in the Sagebrush Sea including nearly 200 migratory and resident bird species.
Sage Grouse Threat and Protection (Flagging Fences)
Sage Grouse Threat
Sage Grouse once a common sight in the West, are now imperiled, with current populations estimated at less than ten percent of historic levels. The birds are low, powerful fliers, known to fly before sunrise to their breeding grounds. When flushed, they sometimes fly directly into barbed wire strands…with gruesome results. Fences near sage-grouse breeding and nesting habitat and wintering areas can be especially hazardous.s.
Sage Grouse Protection
For sage grouse the problem is very simple, they can’t avoid what they don't see. The solution to this problem is to install "Fence Markers, Flaggers" whereever there is a sign of a Sage Grouse casuallty. Birdfighter provides a product called "Firefly Fence Diverter" which simply clips on to the fence. The Flrefly Fence diverter works by incorporating motion, reflectivity, light emissions to alert birds to an upcoming obstruction and reduce collisions. The Firefly Fence Diverter effectively creates a "No Fly Zone".