Bird Coil

BIRD COIL is a versatile, easy-to-use anti-perching system for pigeon control and to deter other large problem birds like gulls, crows, etc. Made of high-grade stainless steel, Bird Coil is a perfect bird control product for long, narrow, exposed ledges. It is also a bird deterrent that is adaptable to most architectural details.
BIRD COIL bird repellent is nearly invisible from short distances and from 50 feet or more is invisible to the eye. This pigeon control product is completely humane; Bird Coil bird deterrent has smooth curves that are completely harmless to both birds and unsuspecting workers accessing the ledges for maintenance.
Target Birds Deterred: Pigeon, Gulls, Crows and other large pest birds
Install Bird Coil bird deterrent: In light to medium bird pressure areas. On long, exposed ledges; parapets; signs; beams; windows; pipes; etc. where birds are NOT nesting.
Material: Stainless steel coil and clips
Ease of Installation: Easy
Advantages of Bird Coil:
- Very easy to install bird control product
- Hard to see bird deterrent, thin wire blends in with surroundings
- Adaptable to many architectural configurations
- Stainless steel materials protect building for years from pest birds
How It Works: Bird Coil bird deterrent is based on the simple premise that birds like a solid landing platform. This bird control product de-stabilizes the ledge, causing unwanted pigeons and gulls to take their mess elsewhere.
Click here for more detail on Bird Coil bird control product parts.
Download Bird Coil specifications here (Adobe Acrobat .pdf format)