
Goose Identification
Canada Geese are generally the cause of goose problem complaints as their numbers have increased greatly thanks to their protected status by both Federal and State agencies. All subspecies of Canada geese have long black necks and heads with large white cheek patches meeting under their throats. Their body feathering is generally a gray-brown with a slightly darker breast and underparts with white under the tail feathers. Canada geese range in size from 22 to 48 inches long and weigh anywhere from 3-4 pounds up to 24 pounds. Corporate lawns/fountains and country clubs are prime areas for Canada geese to graze and nest. These migratory birds are more recently staying put, finding there is no more need to leave their "easy living" urban environments of campus like business parks and golf courses for more southernly green pastures. They prefer to nest in areas near water with protective vegetation cover. These highly aggressive birds will chase animals and people was from their nesting areas, sometimes resulting in injury to the intruders.
Canada Goose Control
Non-migratory Canada geese are difficult to move. Immediate corrective landscaping is a must: remove cover shrubbery, use herbicides to eliminate vegetation in the pond, and reduce fertilizer to make the grass less nutritious. Taste repellents should also be applied if geese have inhabited the area for any length of time so the food source will be less desirable to the geese.
In addition to corrective landscaping, audio /visual bird scare devices should be used in combination as soon as geese move into an area to create a perception of predators in the vicinity. The location and type of the audio / visual devices MUST VARY frequently, so the geese perceive the threat as real. A combination of sophisticated noisemakers like the BirdGard Pro and the BirdBlaster sound unit with visual products like bird scare eye balloons and flash bird scare tape creates a menacing, predatory feel to the area driving the problem geese from the vicinity. These can also be combined with agony-posture decoys (move frequently) to convince the geese the predator has made fresh kills.
Physical barriers can be erected to deter geese from entering an area. Overhead wire grids can be installed above water surface to prevent geese from landing. Fencing made from heavy duty bird wire installed approximately 1 foot, 2 foot and 3 foot from the ground can provide a discreet barrier to dissuade problem geese from entering. Wide mesh bird netting (4 inch mesh) with reflective mylar flash tape hanging from it can also be used above and around ponds or grassy areas to get rid of geese.
Damage Caused by Canada Geese
Goose problems range from damage to agricultural crops through both consumation and trampling. Golf courses and lawns suffer aesthetically from the aggressive and destructive presence of geese. The large bird droppings from Canada geese foul reserviors and ponds, in addition to making a mess on green belts. Airport safety is jeopardized as many airport bird strike collisions result from geese roosting in open areas near airports.
if you have a problem with Geese coming on your property from a lake or pond. Start by detering them in the water and then on shore. Holographic owls and FireFlys can be used as part of your harassment campaign.
Blog - Audio & Visual detterents for geese
Blog - Stop Geese from Damaging lawns