Bird Repellent Gels

New Optical Bird Repellent Gel
BirdFire Optical Gel affects all pest bird species by triggering multiple sensory responses. First, the material emits a UV light to make it appear as a flame to approaching birds. At the same time the ingredients citronella and peppermint oil are emitting scents that are offensive to birds. These scents mask the pheromones that pest birds use to identify their home.
The flame and offensive scents of the BirdFire Optical Bird Gel act as a 1-2 punch and have an adverse effect on the roosting and nesting behavior of pest birds. BirdFire Optical Gel is sticky and will make any perch or nesting area unpleasant for the most stubborn birds if they attempt to land on the product.
Standard Bird Gel
Bird Repellent Gel is a tacky bird repellent gel that discourages problem birds from landing on surfaces. Bird Repellent Gel can be used on ledges, sills, beams, rafters, signs, statues, & hundreds of other outdoor surfaces to prevent pest birds from roosting. Bird Gel repellent gel is easy to use, clip off the end of the nozzle and slide the tube into any standard caulking gun and apply it just like caulk. For the best effect, apply Bird Repellent Gel and Bird Repellent Classic in strips using a wavy or zigzagging motion, using a 3/4-inch bead of gel for small birds, a 3/8-inch bead for medium birds and a 3/4-inch bead for larger birds. For wider areas like deep ledges or column tops, applying more than one bead may be necessary to achieve the best effect and reapplication may be necessary in heavily-trafficked areas.
Target Birds Deterred: pigeons, gulls, starlings, sparrows,crows, grackles. woodpeckers, swallows
Ease of installation: Bird Repellent gel is easy to install and is applied with a standard caulk gun.