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Bird Spikes Stainless Steel Wide 50'


 Bird Spike Stainless Steel wide 50' (length of 2' x 25 sections) - Pigeon Spikes - Effective on Pigeons or larger birds like gulls. Birds typically hover above Bird Spikes before loafing so they will not be harmed. Made from clear polycarbonate base and thin stainless steel rods are nearly invisible even from short distances.

The Bird Spike base can be glued or screwed in place. Available in two foot lengths, each section can be broken into smaller sections to accommodate any architectural configuration. Pieces can also be kinked or permanently bent to conform to sharp angles. Wide Bird Spikes are blunted, preventing injury to birds or unsuspecting workmen.Width 4 1/2” x 2', and is made for ledges 5-7” wide.

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Availability:In stock
SKU bp-f250

 Bird Spike Stainless Steel wide 50' (length of 2' x 25 sections) - Pigeon Spikes - Effective on Pigeons or larger birds like gulls. Birds typically hover above Bird Spikes before loafing so they will not be harmed. Made from clear polycarbonate base and thin stainless steel rods are nearly invisible even from short distances.

The Bird Spike base can be glued or screwed in place. Available in two foot lengths, each section can be broken into smaller sections to accommodate any architectural configuration. Pieces can also be kinked or permanently bent to conform to sharp angles. Wide Bird Spikes are blunted, preventing injury to birds or unsuspecting workmen.Width 4 1/2” x 2', and is made for ledges 5-7” wide.

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Effective Against: Pigeons, Gulls
Ease of Installation: Simple
Product Type: Physical Barrier
Use Where Birds Are: Food / Water Nearby, Loafing



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