
Birdwire is a cost effective bird control system to deter pigeons and seagulls. Extremely versatile, Birdwire can be adapted to protect any building, opening, or architectural configuration against pest birds.
Birdwire bird deterrent is approved by federal, state and foreign governments and historical preservation groups world-wide as a discreet architectural bird control product. Birdwire's low-profile installation solves pest bird problems without unsightly prevention methods.
Target Birds Deterred: Pigeon, Gulls, Crows and other large pest birds
Install Birdwire bird deterrent: In light to medium bird pressure areas. On long, exposed ledges; parapets; signs; beams; windows; pipes; etc. where birds are NOT nesting.
Material: Stainless steel posts and wire
Ease of Installation: Professional level product
Advantages of BirdWire:
Very discreet; nearly invisible bird deterrent
Different brackets for use on many architectural configurations
GSA approved for pest bird control of historical buildings
Stainless steel materials protect building for years from pest birds
How It Works: Birdwire consists of nylon-coated, spring tensioned stainles steel wire attached to stainless steel posts at differing intervals which deter pest birds from landing. The posts are secured using nylon anchor rivets, glue-on bases or special clamps, depending on the architectural configuration.